Enhance Your Reputation and Build a High-Profit Revenue Stream by Publishing
Friday, January 4, 2008Publishing will instantly increase your credibility and name recognition, widen your circle of influence, and build additional streams of revenue. It doesn’t matter whether you write a book, an article, a report or a newsletter. It doesn’t matter if its in print or electronic form, through a major publisher or self-published. Professionals who publish are highly respected and sought after.
Build Credibility and Enhance Your Reputation
Without a doubt, publishing is one of the best credibility boosters for any professional. Once you've put information in print, people come to respect you and your opinion; they seek you out and are more likely to hire you or buy from you. One reason for this is that publishing allows a prospect or client to witness your expertise and see your personality before they buy from you. They develop a relationship with you before you ever meet with them or talk with them. Professionals that publish good, reliable and valuable information have an additional advantage because critics and peers will recommend the publication and further enhance your credibility.
Increase Name Recognition
Publishing also increases your name recognition and more people come to associate you with your practice and products. You can reach more people by publishing that you ever will by making personal calls, therefor publishing is a highly effective means to attract more clients or to build your brand. Even if your main purpose is educating people, publishing allows you to reach far more people than any other means.
Add Revenue Without Adding Overhead
Lastly, publishing is a powerful tool for increasing revenue. Whether you sell your publication and earn money from it directly, or give it away to promote products and services, publishing adds to your bottom line. Publishing can literally make you money while you sleep, because you don't have to be present when your publication is bought or when people are reading it. There are also no employees to pay or facilities to maintain, so your profit margin is much larger. You can also sell books, reports or newsletters to more people than you can see on a daily basis, so you will be able to take in money from more people than you otherwise could.
Challenges of Publishing
The challenge in publishing is producing publications that people will want to read. The quality of the writing and the quality of the information are extremely important. This is particularly true if you want to get published in a magazine or by a respected book publisher. The other challenge is having the time to write articles, reports and books. Fortunately, you don't have to do all the work yourself.
John E Fike Copywriting Services provides ghostwriting services and can help you compile, organize and write any publications you are interested in making a part of your marketing or career advancement plan. I have experience in writing for all the formats listed on this Solutions page.
Magazine & Trade Journal Articles
Getting articles published in respected or popular magazines and trade journals is one of the fastest and easiest ways to increase credibility and name recognition. An article is shorter than a book or report and magazines and trade journals already have thousands of subscribers. These publications will likely include a tagline to your article that explains who you are and how to get in touch with you, which often results in an influx of phone calls and visits to your web sites. Quality writing and solid information is very important for this publishing avenue, because it has to be approved by an editor. Sometimes you can submit an article to more than one publication for repeat and expanded exposure.
Books take far more time and energy to write than articles, but they also have far more income potential since they will continue to sell for years after being published. By contrast, magazine articles get published once by a publication. If your book is well received, it will also build your credibility and circle of influence more than magazine articles. Books also allow you to provide a greater amount of information to your readers, making it more valuable than an article. It is also more impressive and profitable to have books available for sale, rather than handing out reprints or including a link to a magazine's web site. To get your book published by a respectable publisher, it has to be well organized and have a solid marketing slant. Books with smooth, conversational writing and good information get better readership and have more influence than those whose writing seems amateurish.
E-books are books that are published electronically over the Internet. People purchase them online and download them to their computer to read. E-books are generally shorter and more focused than print books, but, remarkably, readers will often pay more for an e-book than they will for a print book-up to two and three times as much. E-books frequently take less time to produce, don't require a publisher and have no printing costs, so they have very high profit margins. It is also common for e-books to have less quality than print books, because the people that produce them often aren't trained writers and no editor is involved. However, a poor quality e-book can do as much to damage your reputation asignificantly, because the author appears unprofessional. A ghostwriter, writing coach or for-hire editor, all of which are services provided by John E. Fike, can help you make sure your e-book will be appreciated and respected.
Reports & White Papers
Reports and white papers are even shorter and more focused than e-books. However, to be marketable and build your reputation they must also be very high in quality. Like e-books, the profit margin is very high and they are very quick and inexpensive to produce. But they are often less expensive to customers—sometimes given away free—so they can be an easier way to showcase your expertise.
You can also publish a report or white paper that will later become a chapter of a book. By selling several chapters as reports first, you maximize the financial return on the amount of time and money you’ve invested in producing the book. Reports and white papers can be sold either electronically or in print form.
Newsletter articles are easier to produce than nearly any other kind of publication and offer one advantage that no other publication does: frequent and regular contact with people interested in your services. There simply is no better marketing tool for reaching many people at the same time:
- They are better read than sales letters or magazine articles and you can include promotions for your services.
- Subscribers are a ready-made list of people to market to.
- Newsletter articles can later be compiled into a book or e-book and sold again.
The downside is that newsletters can be time consuming, because of the frequency of publication. This is especially true if subscribers pay for the newsletter, which means the writing and information must be an especially good value.
E-zines are the electronic cousin of newsletters and are usually distributed by either e-mail or RSS subscription. They can be simple text-only emails or attractive HTML emails that look like a web page. E-zines cost little to produce and subscribers will often pass your e-zine around to other people. This will increase your subscriber list and give you more people to market to. More people will subscribe to an e-zine than a newsletter, especially if it's free. However, unlike print newsletters, it is against the law to e-mail an e-zine to people who have not subscribed. Like every publication, if your e-zine is well written and contains valuable information, more people will read it and your credibility and reputation will benefit more.
Writing for all these types of publications is available from John E. Fike Copywriting Services. Call us for a free consultation to find out how you can get started publishing to build your business and increase profits.
posted by John E Fike @ 11:05 AM,