Save Hundreds of Dollars on
Green Copy and Green Marketing
Friday, May 23, 2008
Launching is a bold step for me. It represents a commitment to running a certain kind of business -- a business that supports and promotes healthy lifestyles, personal improvement, and ways of doing business that can be sustained far into the future.
The world is changing. Old ways of doing business and old lifestyle habits cannot be sustained; they threaten life both on an individual basis and a global level. People are recognizing this and making significant changes in how they live and do business. Those changes include new ideals for health and a global perspective of how business impacts the Earth and citizens of all nations.
More people are becoming aware of the need to change the way we live and do business and they expect companies they do business with to adopt Green practices and meet the needs of healthier, sustainable lifestyles. Companies who meet this expectation will develop highly-respected brands and reach new, lucrative markets. Those who don't will lose respect in the marketplace and eventually experience a loss of business. is focused on providing marketing resources for businesses with the foresight to join this new movement toward health and sustainability and want to tap into its lucrative and socially-responsible marketplace. One way an organization amplifies its own sustainability is to work with contractors who also utilize sustainable practices. So by subscribing to sustainable business practices myself, you get to extend your organization's level of sustainability.
I invite you to find out more about the new role of John E. Fike Copywriting Services and -- and to find out how sustainable practices and Green Marketing can benefit your business.
Just fill out the form below and hit the button at the bottom and I'll send you my Launch Kit. In the kit you'll find:
- Official announcement of what is all about and how it can benefit your business
- Going Green Tip Sheet: 10 Easy-to-Implement Tips for Making Your Office Earth Friendly
- "What is Green Marketing?" article (written by yours truly) on how to implement sustainable practices in your marketing
- 8 ideas for Greening your marketing
- Highlights of John E. Fike Copywriting Services background and capabilities
Get Your FREE
Green Marketing Info Kit
from Today!
Just fill in this form and click "Get More Info!"
posted by John E Fike @ 11:32 AM,